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Our curriculum enables children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and how it has been influenced by the wider world. We focus on the key ideas of ‘Power, Beliefs and Lifestyles’ which are taught through six topics in each year group and take the children on a journey through: Ancient Egypt, Romans, Vikings, Ancient Greece, World War 2 and beyond.

Children will engage with key questions and are taught to make links, identify trends, and expand their knowledge of historical vocabulary, analysing primary evidence, weighing up secondary source interpretations and building their own historical arguments. They will learn through four key concepts: continuity and change, cause and consequence, similarity/difference, and significance. We use the Opening Worlds Scheme of Work making cross curricular links with geography.

Our children will be able to talk knowledgeably about the past by becoming historical enquirers.

Bringing out the Best in Everyone