At Hartford Junior School (HJS) we have a bold and engaging curriculum that develops the following core skills:
We teach English, maths, reading and phonics/spelling skills as discrete, individual subjects, in addition to RE, PE, PSHE and French. Our lower Key Stage 2 curriculum encompasses Science and the following foundation subjects: art and design, design technology (DT), geography, history, computing, music.
We have a two-year cycle of whole school themes outlined in our Curriculum Long-Term Plan (see side of page).
If you require further information that cannot be found here then please contact our curriculum lead and Deputy Headteacher: Mr Christopher Squires
We teach all subjects (English, maths, reading and phonics/spelling, science, PE, PSHE, French, art and design, design technology (DT), geography, history, computing, music) as discreet individual subjects. We teach RE in line with LKS2 each half term over a period of 2 days.
We are developing our curriculum to be in line with the enquiry approach in the neighbouring Hartford Infant and Preschool, to ensure a seamless approach to the children’s learning.
Please click here to read our Curriculum Policy.
Please click here to read our Assessment Policy.
Click on the subject title below the icons to find out more information about each subject we teach at Hartford Junior School.