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All the staff at Hartford Junior School warmly welcome you to the school and are dedicated to enriching your children's learning and development. 

The staff are available to talk to briefly in the morning as you drop the children off, or when you collect at the end of the day. Appointments for longer conversations can be made by contacting the office. 

We have a team of dedicated teachers  and they are supported by teaching assistants, who are able to support the children in their classes.

Our teachers and teaching assistants supervise the children at breaktimes and the teaching assistants supervise lunchtimes alongside dedicated midday supervisors. All the staff within the school work closely together to ensure that break and lunchtimes are happy and safe for all children.

Our office team can support parents/carers with a wide range of queries, for example admission procedures, attendance queries, uniform sales, Pupil Premium and Free School Meal support.

Mrs Lee, our headteacher, is regularly out on the school grounds at the beginning and end of the school day to talk to parents/carers.

Bringing out the Best in Everyone