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Our curriculum enables children to study six artists in depth, who have been carefully chosen to suit the age of our children, the community in which we live and the skills we wish to teach. Each artist’s work is used as an inspiration for the children to recreate their own piece of art.

Children will engage with the key elements, painting, drawing or sculpture with a range of materials, and we will always begin each unit with an observational drawing session in sketchbooks. The children will create a poster inspired by the artist they are studying and use their art sketch books to mimic the artists techniques. We use the Rob Howard Art File to support our progression of skills and techniques across the school.

Our children will develop a wide knowledge of artists and artistic skills, which they will be encouraged to practise and refine. They will have opportunities to critique their work and those of their peers after every unit and will often display their work in an exhibition for others across the community to appraise.


Bringing out the Best in Everyone