At Hartford Junior School we are fully committed to offering an inclusive environment to ensure progress for all our pupils, whatever their needs or abilities. Our SENDCo is Miss Charlotte Deaves. She can be contacted via the school office or on (please note her working days are Wednesdays,Tuesdays and Thursdays).
The Code of Practice for supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities [SEND] has changed significantly. One of the expectations it has introduced is that schools should report annually to parents how they identify, support and monitor the progress of children at the school with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Our latest Hartford Junior School SEND Information Report can be found on the left hand side of this page , which details the specific provision we can offer your child. This is a working document and will be regularly updated. We have an SEND Inclusion Policy which can also be found on the left hand side of this page.
The Cam Academy Trust’s SEND framework can be found here.
To access Cambridgeshire’s Local Offer please click here. This will show you what support is available in Cambridgeshire for parents or carers of children with a Special Educational Need or Disability.
Our Accessibility Plan which can be found here, details our drive to ensure we are an inclusive school.
We are committed to improving our practice and take every opportunity to respond to feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact us:
At Hartford Junior School, we have a Nurture Room known as 'The Nest' for children whom the school has identified as needing extra support with their social, emotional and mental health [SEMH]. Children are offered a bespoke package when attending this group based on staff observations, assessments and communication with parents/carers. Our Family Inclusion Officer, Mrs Jen Crabb works form this base and can signpost families to a wealth of support. Please contact the school office to make an appointment with her.
Any complaint about SEN provision should be addressed to the SENCo in the first instance (
Should the complaint not be resolved the procedures in the Complaints Policy should be followed please click here for the policy. Click here for a link through to the policies page on The Cam Trust Website. The parents/carers of pupils with disabilities have the right to make a disability discrimination claim to the first tier SEND tribunal if they believe that the school has discriminated against their child.
They can make a claim about alleged discrimination regarding:
For students with medical needs, we follow Government guidelines, details of which are available by clicking here
Your first contact for medical needs is also Miss Charlotte Deaves who can be contacted via the school office or on (please note her working days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays).
We have a variety of policies that underpin our practice. These include an Administering Medicine Policy which can be found here. Our policy for Supporting Children who cannot Attend School due to Health Needs can be found here.
In preparation for phase transfer work (moving to a new Key Stage in a school e.g Y7 in St Peter's School or Hinchingbrooke Secondary School, the Local Authority have produced a leaflet for parent/carers. This relates to children with an EHCP in the following year groups:
These phase transfers are significant milestones in pupils’ educational journeys, and the leaflet supports the process by reminding families that admission to schools for children with an EHCP is via the statutory consultation process.
The Avenue
British Dyslexia Association
National Autistic Society
British Deaf Association
Disability Living Fund
Down Syndrome Association
Citizens Advice Bureau
Children’s communication charity
Pinpoint – Parent support- See flyer with latest information
Council for Disabled Children
Eddies (formerly Cambridgeshire Mencap)
Contact a Family