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School Performance


Hartford Junior School was inspected in October 2019, its first inspection since it joined The Cam Academy Trust in 2017. The Ofsted report, which rates the school as good, is available to download from this page and appears on the Ofsted website here.

Data Outcomes

Data outcomes 2023-24 (based on our own online tracking platform and expected national outcomes).

  • 27% of our Year 4 pupils met the expected standard in the Year 5 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC), compared to 34% nationally.
  • In reading, 73% of our pupils met the expected standard, compared to 74% nationally.
  • In reading, 22% of our pupils met the higher standard, compared to 28% nationally.
  • In writing, 62% of our pupils met the expected standard, compared to 72% nationally.
  • In writing, 2% of our pupils met the higher standard, compared to 12% nationally.
  • In maths, 68% of our pupils met the expected standard, compared to 73% nationally.
  • In maths, 20% of our pupils met the higher standard, compared to 23% nationally.
  • In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS), 72% of our pupils met the expected standard, compared to 72% nationally.
  • In Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS), 25% of our pupils met the higher standard, compared to 31% nationally.
  • In science, 81% of our pupils met the expected standard compared to 82% nationally.

In summary the pupil's attainment outcomes this year are inline or slightly under National Averages despite some of our children having below Age Related Expectations when joining the school at different stages throughout KS2. We are proud of their achievements. Our current results are extremely better than the past 2 years and the Senior Leadership Team believe they are on an upward trend.

For further information on progress outcomes please contact us as they are extremely pleasing.

Data Dashboard

The government measures the performance of all schools by comparing them in an easy to view format for parents and carers. It orders schools by performance from highest to lowest and then splits them into five groups or 'quintiles'.

Please click here to see the data dashboard for Hartford Junior School.

Pupil Progress

Please click here to read our latest  KS2 SATs results.

School Priorities

Just as we encourage our children to work hard, we too try to achieve our very best. We are very proud of all we have achieved so far but we endeavour to continue moving forward. 

This academic year we have set ourselves targets to further improve our school. These include: 

  • Target 1: To continue to raise outcomes and ensure academic progress is very high for all our pupils. 
  • Target 2: To improve outcomes for all socio-economically disadvantaged pupils.
  • Target 3: To improve behaviours across the school.

(Taken from the School Development Plans 2024-25)

We hope these carefully chosen targets will have a direct impact on the quality of teaching and learning across our school - ultimately having a positive effect upon the lives of every child in our care.

Parent View

Parent View gives parents the chance to give Ofsted their views about the school. The survey can be completed at any time; you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. Click here to go to the Parent View website.

Bringing out the Best in Everyone