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Mission and Values

Vision and Values

We believe in bringing out the best in everyone.

We want all our children to be curious, confident learners who can communicate effectively.

We want all children to be;

  • Articulate, using a rich vocabulary
  • Independent, active learners who are self-motivated
  • Happy, with a love of learning
  • Resilient problem solvers
  • Respectful members of the community, with high standards of behaviour

We offer high standards of teaching and learning in an enabling, inclusive environment where each child is nurtured and valued as an individual and encouraged to reach their potential.
We value six fundamental characteristics of learning that encourage the children to be the very best version of themselves.

These are our Hartford Characteristics of Learning which focus on:

  • aiming high
  • involvement
  • perseverance
  • problem solving
  • reflection
  • teamwork


At Hartford Junior School we welcome and uphold our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relation to age(as appropriate),disability, ethnicity, gender (including issues of transgender, and maternity and pregnancy), religion and belief, and sexual identity. We promote community cohesion in line with our duty under the Education and Inspections Act 2006.

We recognise that these duties reflect international human rights standards as expressed in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Please see our Pupil Equality and Diversity Policy

For further information please contact our Equalities Lead: Ms Sarah Everett

Strategic Plan [2023-2026]

Our intention in developing the strategic plan is to set out and communicate our vision, ethos and long-term direction for the school, so that as a school community we are all clear on where we are going and what we are trying to achieve. This plan will be used in the decision-making for the school and will be used by the governing body to assess progress against our priorities.

We are proud of the school’s achievements and values. We look forward to driving the excellent progress made in recent years to make this a truly outstanding school.

This is an abbreviated version of the full plan which is designed to give you a clear and accessible insight into the direction of the school. Please see the plan in the menu for more information.


We will focus on raising the attainment and progress for all children from their starting points, with a focus on the following:

Maths Fluency, Writing, RWM [Reading, Writing and Maths] combined and children in receipt of Pupil Premium.


Our aim is to embed oracy within the culture of our school as we further develop our unique school curriculum to ensure good outcomes for all. We will continue to augment resources within the school to fully support this.


Our school always aims to ‘bring out the best’ in everyone and that includes all our staff. We will support them to further develop their skills to enable the school to be the very best version of itself.


We believe that school cannot ensure the best progress for a child without the valued commitment of key stakeholders, this includes parents, governors and the community within which we live. We will continue our journey to work in full partnership with the neighbouring Infant and Preschool.

We would welcome any comments or suggestions.


Bringing out the Best in Everyone